Have good enough German to be able to read Das Kapital and other German philosophy in original language - bonus in that reading most philosophy in its original works means it's in the public domain.
Get stuck into programming, focusing on Data analysis, and improving grasp of mathmatics with a long term goal of getting stuck into game theory in the long run. I've already stuck my head through a few pages - but have been humbled by my lack of recognition of many of the terms even in the prerequisite sections of the book.
Continue to develop artwork - consider new mediums, or dedicating a reasonable amount of time to it each day. At least keep the creative side of thought alive without spending all of it passively doing philosophy
I still reeally want to be able to play piano well, but there simply isn't enough time to dedicate to it to actually be able to progress, at the moment I've been learning Avril 14th for about a year and a half - I'm developing at around the same rate as reading the Phenomenology